(Even more) About me

I am an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science at Portland State University. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Scholar at Penn State University, working with Prof. Anna Squicciarini. I completeted my PhD in Computer Science at University of California, Irvine advised by Prof. Sharad Mehrotra. I received a M.S. in Computer Science from University of Maryland, Baltimore County advised by Prof. Anupam Joshi. I grew up in Kerala, which is a state in the south of India and went to GEC Thrissur for my undergrad.
I strongly prefer to be called Primal (also see How (not) to pronounce my name), just Primal is fine most of the time; not Dr. Pappachan or Professor Pappachan. My last name is my father’s first name. Therefore, it is slightly confusing when someone addresses me by last name or any variations of it. I use he/him pronouns.
Here are some random facts about me:
I like to read and my favorite genre is speculative fiction especially of the scientific kind.
I enjoy being out in nature and going on hikes/leisurely strolls. Some like to call it ‘forest bathing’.
- I like to watch movies and then spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it.
- I like to play video games in my down time. My favorite type of games are the ones where failing/dying is an integral part of the experience. (roguelike).
If you want to get in touch with me, the best way to do so is through email.