Primal Pappachan

Primal Pappachan

About me

I am an Assistant Professor at Portland State University in the Department of Computer Science. I completed my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at University of California, Irvine. I lead the DIPr 🌌 (Database & Internet Privacy) Lab.

My research interests are in the intersection of data management and privacy. Specifically, my research focuses on data protection methods such as access control, differential privacy, inference control, and privacy policies. My overall research objective is to build data management systems that support fast, scalable, transparent, secure, and private computing.

Recent News

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[Aug 2024] I will be attending VLDB 2024 in Guangzhou, China.

[July 2024] Excited to be part of CyberPDX 2024 - a Cybersecurity camp designed for Native and Indigenous highschool students - as the instructor for Privacy Thread.

[May 2024] I have been invited to attend the 2024 NSF SaTC Aspiring PI Workshop at University of Chicago.

[Apr 2024] I am restarting the Database Reading Group (DBRG) at Portland State University, with Prof. Dave Maier. Please join the mailing list for more updates.

[Mar 2024] New Demo Paper: “ACCORD: Constraint-driven Mediation of Multi-user Conflicts in Cloud Services” accepted at The Web Conference 2024.